RM Analyzer Help

Aero Classes > Individual calculation

Perform CFD calculation for a given cross-section.

Wind direction, Alpha, v-ref Attack angle (angle of incidence, angle between the local z-axis of the element and the wind direction, positive from +z to the wind direction in direction +y) and velocity
Suggest Create default values for selected cross section and wind direction/velocity
dt, Iter Time step for integration and number of time steps
Nr. of panels, Core size Number of surface panel on CS and size of vortex particles. Control spatial resolution.
More options... Enable multithreading and export of time history, impose forced cross section oscillation
Set param. Save currently active set of parameters to aero class
Get param. Restore previously saved set of parameters
Group, Name Group and name of current cross-section.
Recalc, Pause, Cancel, Continue Control calculation
Note: Press <Esc> to cancel and <Space> to switch pause. The <A> key switches to  to auto-pause mode, i.e. after each time-step the calculation is interrupted.
Option: Create movie, Options Save graphical representation to AVI file. Options allows to give resolution and file name.
Graphical representation
  • Drag/Lift/Moment: Time history of aerodynamic coefficient (yellow), moving average of time history (cyan), zero line (grey), total mean value (blue), mean value excluding first 16% of  data (red), 16% marker (white)
  • Main view: Cross section with instant vortex particle positions
Note: Free Hand Symbols available before calculation or when calculation is paused,  right clicking into the view opens a menu to select different view options